nam boram for ilhwa. played by ubebread.

her author.
her identity.
her history.
her timeline.
her hidden lore.
her aesthetics.
her encounters.
her devices.

  NAME   ube or my muse's name, boram.  PRONOUNS   she/her  TIMEZONE   gmt-7  BOUNDARIES   since my age is 29+, i refuse to do any romance and smut plots with players under 21. sorry i'm just not comfortable with it.

  STYLE   third pov and first pov. it depends on the plot and preferred length.  LENGTH   single para to multi para. script as well. i tend to mirror when responding but if you have a preference for writing length, i'm more than happy to accommodate. do not feel pressured to match me if i end up writing a lot.  GENRES   angst, drama, friendship, comedy, slice-of-life, thriller, and romance. i want to practice on my smut writing as well.  HARD NOs   any type of s*xual assault, gore, bathroom stuff, pedophilia, necrophilia, etc.

  BRAINSTORMING   plotting > winging. we don't have to be nitpicking all the details but i do like having a general idea with how our threads will go. plus collaborating ideas is one of my favorite parts about rping!  STARTERS   i'm not huge on the 'you ask, you start' rule. personally, i think starters should be posted by what makes the most sense to the plot. that being said, i'm more than happy to write the starter if asked.

  REPLY SPEED   i work full-time and do part-time coursework, so my replies may be slow. feel free to poke me after a week minimum.  ORDER   i like to respond in order to when i receive replies or plan the starters. i also tend to do my replies in batches if my schedule is busy.  LOCATION   rooms preferred! i'd like to keep my wall clean. also, PMs are reserved for plotting and ooc interaction only.

  NAME   nam boram; 남보람.  NICKNAMES   bo, rammi, the cursed one, nobi girl, more tba.  DOB & AGE   july 18th, 1841; 28.  BIRTHPLACE   outskirts of namwon.  CURRENT RESIDENCE   hanseong.  ORIENTATION   demisexual, demiromantic.  MARITAL STATUS   single. previously engaged.  SOCIETAL RANK   cheonmin.  OCCUPATION   solgeo nobi / lady-in-waiting for ryu yeonhwa.

  FACECLAIM   kang seulgi; 강슬기.  EYES   dark brown, almost black.  HAIR   soft black in color while thick and wavy in texture. grown long and braided loosely with a daenggi ribbon tied to the end.  STYLE   basic hanboks with muted, earthy colors.

a sangmin clan of black rice farmers, originating from the outskirts of namwon. for generations, they were known for harvesting the highest quality black rice in the market. unfortunately due to bad weather conditions and being short-handed, the quality of their harvests has recently decreased. there is no longer a successor to the business due to the clan head’s only child being disowned.

  infj. 6w5. neutral good. phlegmatic-melancholy. cancer sun, scorpio moon.  

  POSITIVES.   compassionate, insightful, empathetic, idealistic.  NEUTRALS.   sarcastic, perfectionist, focused, organized.  NEGATIVES.   judgmental, withdrawn, manipulative, conflict-adverse.  LOVE LANGUAGE.   quality time and words of affirmation.  APOLOGY LANGUAGE.   genuine repent and asking forgiveness.

nam boram always seeks purpose in her life and constantly focuses on what could happen in the future, rather than dwelling on the present. she is ever the observer, taking into account every event, emotion, and intention which leads into her developing profound insights about the world around her.what she truly cares about is the people around her. there's nothing she values more than deep, authentic relationships with others. what you feel, she feels it tenth fold. she will always lend a listening ear and offer compassionate but logical her worst, she can use this skill to fling people’s insecurities back at them in hopes of getting ahead of a situation. she might know everything about you yet you would know nothing of her. she’s forever a work-in-progress trying to pretend she knows it all.

  LIKES.   people watching, long strolls, deep conversations, sikhye (sweet rice punch), getting to know others, acts of kindness, cleanliness, routine schedule, heukmi bap (black rice), radish kimchi, walking through rice fields, fall and spring.  DISLIKES.   drunkards, being cold, rudeness, seeing people treated unfairly, bugs (particularly spiders and fruit flies), people not taking her advice seriously, the color pink, arranged marriages.  HOBBIES.   cooking, singing, reading, practicing her calligraphy, going on walks, helping out at the women's shelter, listening to people rant, staying up late.  FEARS.   never finding out her purpose in life, having to finally deal the repercussions of her actions regarding that night.

boram was the only child of a sangmin clan of black rice farmers. while her family worked very hard, they struggled to make good profit due to stiff competition. since their only child was female, boram’s parents knew her only path to gaining any capital would be to set up an arranged marriage.she soon found herself engaged to the son of a prosperous farming family. her life soon turned for the worse. her fiance was a drunk and verbally abusive when no one was looking. boram felt trapped and yearned to escape but couldn’ a twisted way, her wish came true when her fiance mysteriously keeled over and died after a drinking binge. everyone in the village dubbed her as cursed and her parents disowned her for not committing suicide so she could remain virtuous to him.

boram had to leave home and seek refuge at the woman’s shelter, manim maeul. A year and a half later, she has found employment as a household nobi for the ryu household, working as lady yeonhwa’s lady in waiting. while her societal rank as lowered, in a way, boram feels freer than she’s been in a long time.

  THE SUMMER OF 1841.  
nam boram was born at the peak of summer with the sweltering afternoon heat making it difficult for her and her mother to breathe inside the small room of their humble home. it had been a difficult birth, one that nearly cost both of their lives if not for her mother’s perseverance. while she was not a son as hoped, she was her parents’ rainbow baby. they saw her as a treasure brought into their lives. that year brought the most fruitful harvest the nam clan had seen in decades.
  THE FALL OF 1849. [ tw: miscarriage. ]  
the distinctive crunch of fallen leaves could be heard as a young boram rushed back to her home with the village healer on her tail. her mother was in labor, struggling to bring her sibling into the world; however, there was something wrong, deadly wrong. she would never forget the sight: her mother wailing in agony as she held the lifeless bundle in her arms as her normally stoic father kneeled by the bedside, sobbing over the loss of his son. at that moment, she knew that she would be their only child, a daughter… it meant that she would have to take care of them when they turned fragile in old age. she could not stop the tears from falling into the wash basin as she dried to scrub the blood from the stained bedsheets.
  THE DECADE OF THE 1850s.  
boram grew into her role as the sole child of the nam clan. she toiled the rice fields and harvested the hard-earned rice. the farm was all she knew. she felt unsatisfied but dared not to speak up. so she tried to pour her devotion into improving the farm but her suggestions were met with ire from her stubborn father. they did capture the attention of a certain gwak mooyoung, a dear family friend and the successor of a booming barley farm. he was an older man, recently married after nearly thirty years of singlehood. yet he frequently visited the nam household, much of his time spent inquiring boram about her farming techniques. his stares unnerved her but she had no choice but to entertain him.
one positive change in boram’s life was the sudden arrival of her younger cousins after the tragic passing of their parents. she grew particularly close with the youngest, ryunhee. sharing a room with the younger girl led to their bonding. she helped her cousin through her family trauma, providing her with a shoulder to lean on.

  THE FALL OF 1862. [ tw: brief mention of physical abuse. ]  
time had not been kind to the nam clan. it was like the plague had struck their lands, degrading their harvests. boram predicted this outcome—her warnings had fallen on deaf ears—and she feared that worse was yet to come. it was proven true one night when her father stumbled home drunk with “joyous” news: he had accepted the generous offer for boram’s hand in marriage from the widowed gwak mooyoung. somehow the silver-tongued man convinced him that marrying his daughter twenty years his junior would save the nam clan’s business.
it felt like the world was closing in on boram. how could her own flesh and blood doom her like that? she ran away and returned three days later to find her betrothed waiting there with her parents. she would never forget how painful her cheek stung after mooyoung backhanded her as an act of “discipline”. dread filled her soul, knowing this would set the precedent for her impending marriage.  THE FALL OF 1863. [ tw: mentions of verbal abuse and murder. ]  
boram was at her wit’s end as her engagement continued on. for whatever reason, her fiancé kept on pushing back the date. to make matters worse, he had shown his true colors to her, making a habit to stumble back drunk to her home and demanding that she cook meals for him and take care of him as a way of “preparing” for their marriage. her parents always gave them privacy which enabled him to throw verbal insults at her in an attempt to weaken her spirit. but what truly made her see red was how the man stared leerily at her unsuspecting cousin, rina.
then one night she had a revelation as she stumbled upon the old jar of medicine that did little to cure her aching joints. it was made of monkshood, a deadly flower that made her violently ill. with her cousin ryunhee’s help and knowledge, they gathered the ingredients needed to set forth their was all too easy to lure her fiancé into the trap. he was too inebriated to notice the faint taste of poison in the meal boram had cooked for him. the cold look of indifference on her face was the last thing gwak mooyoung witnessed as he succumbed to his fate.the fallout of his death was immediate. the cause remained unknown but most chalked it up to his careless lifestyle and dangerous drinking habits. boram had removed all evidence that could connect his death to her or ryunhee; however, her parents blamed her. they were furious when she refused to take her own life to remain ‘virtuous’ to the vile man. she was disowned on the spot. the village saw her—and anyone associated with her—as a cursewith no other choice, boram fled home in secret. to this day, it pains her that she had to leave without saying a word to ryunhee, the very person who had helped her through thick and thin. she could not bear with the idea of dragging down her dear cousin with her.

  THE WINTER OF 1863.  
boram had ran from village to village yet could not find a proper place to seek refuge. the measly amount of money she had taken was no more and very few people trusted a random woman reluctant to share her story for a good-paying job. luckily she found solace in a woman’s shelter on the outskirts of gwangju, manim maeul.
  THE YEARS OF 1863 TO EARLY 1865.  
there was no time limit at the madam’s village yet boram feared overstaying her welcome. she started helping out around the shelter which led to her meeting its founder, the marchioness lady ryu yeonhwa. with the younger woman’s help, boram finally learned how to read and write. soon a tentative friendship was formed. she had found a new purpose in life, wanting to serve the young marchioness as a form of thanks for all that she had given her.
living in hanseong took some time to get used to. being a lady-in-waiting was a far cry from everything she had learned from being a farmer’s daughter. the intricacies of high society were hard to follow but she planned to do her best for her lady yeonhwa’s sake. to this day, boram still cannot fathom her chance to start anew but she plans on seizing it no matter what.

nam boram is born in the peak of summer as the firstborn of nam beompal and go bori.
   1849. [ tw: miscarriage. ]  
go bori miscarries, suffering damages that will leave her barren for the rest of her life. boram discovers she will be the sole heir of the nam clan.

boram suggests a new harvesting method that would take less time and less physically-tasking for people of smaller stature like herself. it falls on deaf ears from her father; however, it captures the attention of a certain gwak mooyoung.
   LATE 1850s.  
her younger cousins, rina and ryunhee, arrive to the farm after the tragic passing of their parents.
their worst harvest to date. boram knows their outdated farming practices are the cause yet her father is too stubborn to believe it.
   FALL OF 1862.  
without her consent, boram is engaged to gwak mooyoung thanks to her drunken and desperate father.

   EARLY FALL OF 1863.  
after enduring a year of verbal attacks from her dear fiancé, boram has enough. discovering her old medicine of monkshood, she and ryunhee hatch a plan to get rid of him once and for all.
   LATE FALL OF 1863.  
gwak mooyoung passes after going on a drinking binge the night before. his poor fiancée, boram, is in utter shock when she finds him. in reality, she had poisoned him and hid the evidence before staging the scene.
despite all her painstaking preparartion, her parents still blame her for bring shame to the family for not following mooyoung to death's doors. she is disowned on the spot.   THE WINTER OF 1863.  
after fleeing from village to village, boram finds refuge at manim maeul in gwangju.

boram becomes the new lady-in-waiting for the marchioness ryu yeonhwa, a friend who has given her a new lease on life.

nam boram was barely fifteen when she was diagnosed with chronic joint pain. the signs were there: the constant swelling of her knuckles to morning stiffness that would last till the early afternoon. she tried to ignore it until, one day, her knees suddenly gave out and she fell face-first into the waters of the paddy fields.the village healer insisted that the dried roots of monkshood would treat her ailment. it more or less worked for years except for one particular batch that was not processed thoroughly enough, leaving her terribly ill. thankfully she recovered; however, it opened her eyes to the deadliness of the plant that was supposed to cure her.

nam boram lived a life painted in shades of quietude. accustomed to blending into the background, she rarely garnered attention, save for a whisper of intrigue about a cheonmin rising above their station, the gaze of most fell upon her with indifference. yet, the gentle tapestry of her life was destined to be adorned with vibrant threads when she encountered lord ryu juyeon.their paths intertwined with a curious frequency over the years. whether it was a chance encounter near the kitchens as she was fetching lady yeonhwa’s meal, or a "sprained" ankle that opportunely occurred when she was in his vicinity, a playful dance of fate seemed to guide their steps.his antics, though initially met with a raised eyebrow and a blush, soon dissolved her carefully constructed facade. she found herself giving him witty retorts followed by shy smiles. she found solace in his presence, sharing stolen moments with him, from sneaking him freshly baked ssuk beomul to seeking his opinion on her calligraphy practice. he became a source of comfort and joy, a haven where she could shed the burdens of her station and simply be.for the longest time, boram reasoned within the confines of her own mind that her feelings for lord juyeon were no more than mere platonic affection. she contented herself with the fortunate circumstance of having found a friend in the ryu estate, besides her dear lady yeonhwa. however, all that changed on a certain night, late in the hour, during one of their frequent philosophical debates. as the topic of love unexpectedly arose, boram, with eyes brimming with curiosity, inquired, "my lord, what are your thoughts on the very idea of love?""to be frank," lord juyeon responded candidly, "i find the notion of true love to be utterly preposterous. it is a novel concept that we have elevated to an impossible pedestal. and what are your own thoughts on this matter?""well, i do not believe that love is instantaneous," she answered, her gaze gently resting upon his visage. "however, when one encounters the right individual, i believe love becomes a conscious choice, made anew each and every day."later that night, alone within her chamber, she found herself revisiting the conversation. her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with a blush of embarrassment as she recognized that her response had transcended mere philosophical musings and inadvertently revealed a personal truth: boram harbored a deep and undeniable infatuation for lord juyeon.


  NAM BEOMPAL   father ( npc ). the head of the house. a hardworking and stoic man who holds immense pride in his harvesting practices. stubborn to a fault but loves his wife and used to care for his daughter before she dishonored the family.  GO BORI   mother ( npc ). the loving matriarch. a kindhearted but resilient woman who loves her family fiercely. despite her daugther's misgivings, she still loves boram and regrets how she was cast aside.  NAM GWANGSOON   aunt ( npc ). younger sister of beompal and goon.

  NAM GOON †   late uncle. brother of beompal. late baron of the house of nam.  NAM CHAEEUN ††   late aunt. late baroness of the house of nam.  NAM DOWON †   late elder cousin. heir to the baron title, eldest son.  NAM GEON †   late cousin. second son.  NAM RINA   cousin. eldest daughter, heart of the nam estate.

† deceased; died during an ambush alongside the head of the house of noe.†† deceased; took her own life due to depression.

her precious cousin. the one who leaned on boram during her time of struggle. midnight conversations in their shared room led to a sisterly bond. ryunhee was the one who consoled boram after the arranged marriage and is the only one who knows what truly happened the night her fiancé died. guilt forever weighed on boram's shoulders when she was forced to leave ryunhee behind.

her long-lost cousin. tba...